Monday, November 16, 2009

Flying away....

This is the coolest thing in the world. Currently, I am 33,000 feet in the air. Delta now has that Go Go thing and it is awesome. I ain't sure it's worth $12 but for free you can't beat it.

I am headed to Hartford, CT today, Boston on Tuesday, Bishop, California on Wednesday, Reno, Nevada on Thursday, and then home Friday... now that's a lot of miles. And defying all logic my clothes all fit in one carry-on.

This past weekend Christopher and Katie Ann had a Tae Kwon Do tournament in Orange Beach. I used hotel points to get us a room and after a rocky first night with Matthew, we had a great time. I was so proud of Katie Ann getting out there and rocking her form. She had the highest score out of 7 kids. Unfortunately, she then got knocked out of the sparring portion pretty quick... the judges like to spread the awards around a little bit. Christopher got second in forms and sparring for the junior red belts. He will test for his black belt in a couple of weeks. He is awesome. Even Matthew has the kicks and punches down, and it you don't believe me-- ask Katie Ann.

Matthew turned 2 years old last Thursday. He is getting so big. Potty training is coming along (thanks to Annette) and he is so smart. He is able to communicate so well it is scary sometimes. This coming weekend, Mom is coming down from Birmingham for Matthew's party. And then we got the Cubscout Thanksgiving dinner that evening. I am frying 45 pounds of turkey on Saturday as well... GOBBLE GOBBLE!

Monday, November 2, 2009


It has been a while so let me catch up. I am back in Minneapolis today (and it is blustery to say the least). Actually, I am physically in Wisconsin (so count another state for me). I am doing well at CPSI and the travel is not bad but can get a little rough at times. So far, the family is doing remarkably well with me being gone some and the perks are nice.

Annette continues to amaze me almost everyday. She is the most creative person I have ever met. Just as a little example, she made the kids Halloween costume (which saved me a bunch of cash), but she also has been saving milk jugs for months it seems and then used them as the center piece (that's the things in the middle of a table for the guys that may read this) at the cub scout Halloween party. She is the best MOM in the world. We are blessed to be in a situation where she can be at the school with the kids almost as much as they are. She has an incredible group of friends that give her an opportunity to be connected outside of just the kids. It all combines to make her very special and makes me one of the luckiest guys on earth.

Matthew is growing so fast. He is like a weed. He is starting to work on potty training. He is the most out-going of the bunch. He loves to make all the animal sounds; says "CHEESE" for the camera; gives hi-fives with a gusto; has the patented "gun and a wink" down; and has already scored his first date with a college chick (at 18months).

Katie Ann is starting the involvement circus. She is in Kindergarten at St. Dominic. She is doing dance, Daisy scouts and karate as well. She has her first tournament in a couple of weeks in Orange Beach. She is a delicate flower, I really have to check my temper with her... she will cry at the drop of a hat... and that's hard for a daddy to take. She is quite the artist though. She did a pumpkin craft yesterday (thanks Cherie) and it looked great. She did this all by herself. I was very impressed.

Christopher is growing up. He is playing football again this year and his team is doing well. He loves it. (He even takes the football to bed every night) He is in 3rd grade at St. Dominic's. I am proud of him for lots of reasons but I see him do things for others out of the kindness of his heart and he is a hard worker even when no one is watching; and that will make any parent feel good.